Care Coordination Platform Onboarding Document

The North Coast Health Improvement and Information Network (NCHIIN) was funded by DASH CIC-START to add new partners, sectors, mental health client summary data, and facility alerts to, the care coordination and alerts notification system in Humboldt County, CA. As part of their CIC-START project, NCHIIN developed this document, which provides a methodology for onboarding new organizations, data streams, and sectors into the platform. It provides a replicable method for other communities who are interested in developing guidance to onboard new organizations from sectors beyond health care (eg. human/social services, mental health/substance abuse, criminal justice, etc.) into a care coordination system to provide more holistic care for patients, especially those with complex health and social needs.

While this document was developed by NCHIIN to be used with partners in Humboldt County, CA, it provides a replicable method for other communities who are interested in developing guidance to onboard new organizations from sectors beyond health care (eg. human/social services, mental health/substance abuse, criminal justice, etc.) into a care coordination system to provide more holistic care for patients, especially those with complex health and social needs.

Specifically, this document provides a series of “discovery questions” to explore with potential multi-sector partners relating to organizational structure, data/systems, target populations/programs, and program workflows. It also captures lessons learned and useful techniques NCHIIN developed during multiple iterations of implementation of the care coordination platform with partners.

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