Community Health Peer Learning Program Bright Spots

This series of bright spot profiles highlights key community achievements from Community Health Peer Learning Program, a partnership of AcademyHealth and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), participants and maps them back to practical strategies that enabled progress. Each bright spot also notes key lessons and shares useful insights relevant to those working as part of local initiatives to improve population health. Whether addressing challenges from serious mental illness, or working to reduce pediatric hospital bed days, the strategies shared in these bright spots are meant to offer both inspiration and practical guidance for others.

Bright Spots Featured:

Developing a Collaborative Consent Process

This Bright Spot profile highlights useful insights from the North Coast Health Improvement and Information Network’s work to enhance care coordination for clients served by permanent supportive housing and shelter programs.

Improving Care for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness – A Systems & Data Mapping Approach

This Bright Spot profile focuses on lesson learned from the Louisiana Public Health Institute’s work to leverage health information technology to improve outcomes for individuals with serious mental illness.

Failing Forward Together

This Bright Spot profile outlines key takeaways from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s efforts to improve transitions from the hospital back into the community.

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Issue Brief: Coordinated Whole-Person Care that Addresses Social Determinants of Health


Measuring What Matters for Community Health Improvement