Innovation Learning Community Case Studies

The Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI) Innovation Learning Community grantees spent eighteen months hard at work implementing innovations in their communities. From these communities, PHNCI has been able to learn what makes an innovation work and be replicable, including leadership buy-in, cross-sector partnerships, and community engagement.
PHNCI highlighted each grantee’s individual work, including success, challenges, and lessons learned for others who may be interested in replicating their work. The case studies, produced by NORC at the University of Chicago, are great resources for any agency looking to bring public health innovation to serve the needs of its community.

Case studies include reports from grantee locations in Baltimore City, Colorado Department of Public Health, DuPage County Health Department, Garrett County Health Department, Kansas Association of Local Health Departments, Minnesota Department of Health, Pima County Health Department, Tacoma Pierce County, and the University of Chicago. Reports can be found through the link provided.

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