All In National Meeting 2018 Recap

The All In National Meeting brought together 250 stakeholders from around the country that are at the forefront of the movement to improve community health and whole-person wellness through multi-sector partnerships working to share data. Read a summary of the meeting with commentary from attendees on Twitter!

Deep Dive Workshops

The meeting kicked off with five deep-dive workshops providing practical tools and guidance for tackling common challenges. These interactive half-day workshops included an in-depth review of a specific topic, led by subject matter experts.

You see groups of people at tables. I see community health data leaders taking deep dives into things that matter: healthy equity tools and measures, long-term sustainability, legal consent and place-based strategies. #AllInData4Health

— Peter Eckart (@ContraPete) September 11, 2018

Data Sharing and the Law: Deep Dive on Consent

Attorneys from the Network for Public Health Law provided guidance on how policies and regulations such as HIPAA, FERPA, and 42 CFR Part 2 govern healthcare, education, and behavioral health data and impact consent. Participants also learned about the SAMHSA-sponsored, open-source Consent2Share consent management platform and had the opportunity to raise their own issues in breakouts.

Excited to be part of #AllInData4Health discussing how to overcome barriers in health data sharing and bring them to the #TrentonHIE #healthytrenton @BUILD_Health

— Trenton Health Team (@TrentonHealth) September 11, 2018

@networkforphl Jennifer Bernstein just blew my mind a little- so many different laws that apply to consent to sharing information, and ALSO more that governs when it’s “electronic?!” #AllinData4Health

— Melissa Moorehead (@allintesting1) September 11, 2018

More Than Numbers: How to Use Data to Advance Health Equity

Presenters from the Michigan Public Health Institute explored health equity principles and terms and guided participants to think deeply about what using a health equity frame with data means and consider how an understanding of these concepts can be applied to their day-to-day work.

Probably biased but, my favorite session from #AllInData4Health

— James Bell (@ItsJBThree) September 12, 2018

Equality - sameness (giving everyone the same thing) <> equity - fairness (access to the same opportunities) ... the means. Advancing #equity is the goal! #AllInData4Health

— Ashley Geisel (@ashleygeisel) September 11, 2018

Asset-Based Community Development: Strategies and Tools for Engaging Your Community

This interactive workshop introduced participants to the principles and practices of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) and shared guidance on how to sustainably engage community residents and support them in using their power to create change.

Diving deep here at #allindata4health in Denver. Katie Sendze is digging the session on how do asset-mapping for community development. @DASH_connect

— HealthInfoNet (@hinfonet) September 11, 2018

Sustainably Financing Community Health: Where to Look, When to Pursue, and How to Access Different Sources of Capital

Representatives from ReThink Health, Quantified Ventures, and the Center for Community Investment outlined a range of alternative payment models and helped participants expand their knowledge of, comfort level with, and capacity to take advantage of different sustainable financing options.

QV's @alr5 and @brendanoconnor2 present at #AllInData4Health in #Denver, bringing together stakeholders in #health at the forefront of sharing #data. #PFS #impinv

— Quantified Ventures (@QuantifiedVTS) September 11, 2018

“Bulk of #populationhealth financing happens beyond the spreadsheet - it’s in stewardship and strategy” @lkalexandermn #allindata4health

— Rebecca Lindberg MPH (@relindberg) September 11, 2018

@RobinHacke: Core advice: get together the people you know & who have a stake in problem and think about the interventions & financing mechisms are best options. @ReThinkHealth #AllInData4Health

— Lindsey Alexander (@lkalexandermn) September 11, 2018

Strategies to Help You Advance Health, Wellbeing, and Equity in Communities

In this interactive workshop, Dr. Soma Stout shared practical tools and skills developed by 100 Million Healthier Lives to accelerate improvement in health, wellbeing, and equity.

It’s incredibly importantly interrogate our relationship with race, racism and equity: Where is your yearning; where is your discomfort?#AllInData4Health

— Meshie Knight (@meshieknight) September 11, 2018

We can't address health disparities without addressing racism and the systems/institutions that contribute to it. @somastout @100MLives #AllinData4Health

— DASH (@DASH_connect) September 11, 2018

Building a Movement Together for Equity

Dr. Soma Stout, 100 Million Healthier Lives, Institute for Healthcare ImprovementDr. Soma Stout set the stage for the meeting with an innovative "movement plenary" - encouraging participants to stand up, move around the room, and utilize the power of collaboration as a means to solve our greatest challenges. She emphasized that the cost of inequity and its impact on chronic disease is unsustainable and we can't afford to continue with business as usual; innovators need to work together with people with lived experience to move our communities and our country forward from a "sick care system" to a more equitable "well-being system."

All In is up and moving! This is my kind of meeting... #AllinData4Health meeting with @ContraPete

— Emily Yu (@DCxchange) September 11, 2018

Have you ever participated in a standing plenary? We did as we learned that the cost of inequity and its impact on chronic disease is unsustainable! Thank you Dr. @somastout @100MLives #AllInData4Health

— Healthy Old Brooklyn (@HealthOBCDC) September 11, 2018

#AllInData4Health community, we would love for you to help us develop the pathways to population health. Where does your work connect? We are "all in" with you to advance health, wellbeing and equity together. Leaving inspired.

— Soma Stout 100MLives (@somastout) September 11, 2018

Breakout and Shallow Dive Sessions

Over 50 presenters from local data sharing collaborations around the country and organizations that support them gave practical advice and spoke about lessons learned on topics including partnering with other sectors, tackling legal barriers, developing shared metrics, improving care coordination, utilizing neighborhood-level data for public health, using various data collection/screening/referral tools, and more.The presenters represented a geographically diverse range of stakeholders, with different roles including community advocates, epidemiologists, data analysts, health information technology specialists, physicians, academic researchers, local government, health educators, evaluators, and other partners from a variety of sectors.Presenters and audience members were eager to engage in energetic discussions about solutions and strategies to apply learnings and advance similar efforts in other communities.

CORHIO's @ThePaulMarola discussing our exciting work with @bouldercohhs to integrate social determinants #SDOH into the #HIE for whole person care at #AllInData4Health conference. Thank you for this opportunity!

— CORHIO (@CORHIO) September 12, 2018

Loving listening to the successes of the New Brunswick, NJ @BUILD_Health site ( about using community gatherings to catalyze their healthy homes initiative at #AllInData4Health

— Rachel Locke (@RachelLocke15) September 11, 2018

Susan Millea from #nnip partner @VisualizeCOH: let’s put children and families at the center of systems change instead of providers #allindata4health

— NNIP HQ (@NNIPHQ) September 12, 2018

@Healthy_MoCo Incorporating Equity in their data sharing. Loved hearing all of this #AllinData4Health

— James Bell (@ItsJBThree) September 12, 2018

Roundtable Discussions

Attendees had the choice of joining one of 22 lively roundtable discussions that provided an opportunity to explore issues and solutions with others in an informal, small group conversation led by a leader with content expertise. Participants discussed what their communities were working on in areas like policy, communicating data, engaging residents and stakeholders, and utilizing tools for data collection and analysis.

Great roundtable discussion at #allindata4health around our planning work around integrated HMIS data in the #hie

— HealthInfoNet (@hinfonet) September 11, 2018

Engaging Payers in Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Erica Coe, McKinsey and Company; Sherry Husa, Managed Health Services; Merrill Friedman, AnthemDay one of the meeting ended with a panel featuring representatives from two private health plans, who discussed why their organizations are compelled to address the social determinants of health for their members and how data plays a role in implementing and monitoring the success of those efforts.Panelists explained that with the majority of health outcomes being determined by factors outside of the health care system, it's critical that they invest in the communities where people live and understand how issues like homelessness, unemployment, and food insecurity are impacting their members. They described how their health plans are conducting needs assessments for social determinants of health and leveraging integrated data systems to better understand members' needs outside of the health care system and connect them to community services sand supports.

How are payers addressing #SDOH for their members and collecting data to track the success of those efforts? A panel of experts will share their experiences during an #AllInData4Health plenary, starting now! Livestream available here:

— DASH (@DASH_connect) September 11, 2018

To work effectively with #Payors, community based organizations need to approach building the solution as a collaborative process-clearly articulating the service they offer, what problem it solves, and the value it generates.#AllinData4Health

— Alison Rein (@alr5) September 11, 2018

Welcome Back Exercise and Check-In

All In leaders began day two by sharing their reflections about the first day and leading an interactive exercise to get initial reactions and feedback from attendees about their experience. Hilary Heishman, Senior Program Officer at RWJF, thanked participants for sharing, learning, and connecting to others through All In to accelerate our progress toward building a culture of health. She acknowledged that although the day-to-day work can be challenging at times, it's the vision, perseverance, and innovation of local communities across All In that builds the value of the network and results in a greater collective impact.

#AllInData4Health day one reflections.

— Peter Eckart (@ContraPete) September 12, 2018

“We are moving more toward supporting changes that last” in health @hilaryheishman @RWJF #AllInData4Health — what a great driver-agree 100%

— Emily Yu (@DCxchange) September 12, 2018

“YOU are the vanguard! The ones leading our country to a better future” - @RWJF #AllInData4Health

— Jaymie Santiago (@Jaymie_Santiago) September 12, 2018

Who Needs Health Equity? The Urgency to Build Public Will to Advance Our Work

Dr. Tiffany Manuel, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.Dr. Tiffany Manuel's thought-provoking plenary challenged us to ask the question: why hasn't access to more data and evidence been the game changer many of us thought it would be? She made the case that when we are not careful in how we frame the conversation around the data we have, our attempts to build support can backfire and reinforce existing biases. Data itself will not make the case to the public and policymakers; it has to be embedded in a broader story that considers the people consuming it.Manuel explained common root causes of miscommunication and encouraged participants to use data build trust, make equity part of the conversation, focus on solutions and opportunities rather than problems, and connect the dots about how our issues apply to people's lives. She concluded with a call-to-action to change the way we communicate data so that we can help build public support for scaling health programs, policies and investments that fundamentally transform our health ecosystems for the better.

From the #CaseMaking perspective, we need to understand why our messages have been backfiring, ways to make “systems” visible and emphasize OUR collective responsibility. @DrTiffanyManuel #AllinData4Health

— Peter Eckart (@ContraPete) September 12, 2018

If you are a data person and haven't heard @DrTiffanyManuel speak, you should to learn the error of our ways. #AllInData4Health #DataForAction may look different from how we have been trained to report it.

— Amy Laurent (@epilady) September 12, 2018

“All of the data in the world will not solve for that.” The dependency narrative around welfare. @DrTiffanyManuel #AllInData4Health

— Hannah E. Hardy, MPA (@HEHardy) September 12, 2018

The left side is asset based. The right side is deficit based. Both sides are about equity. Which side will engage more people? Where we start and how we talk about it matters! #ABCD

— Ron Dwyer-Voss (@PacificCommSol) September 12, 2018

Moving Upstream: Challenges, Opportunities, and Moral Imperatives to Improve Health and Health Care

In this plenary, Dr. Rishi Manchanda maintained that there is a movement afoot to move the U.S. health care system upstream, and this movement rests on our shoulders. It's up to us to share our stories as we traverse this path together and prove that it's both necessary and possible to address the social, environmental, and economic factors that impact health. When he started working as a physician on the front lines in South Central Los Angeles, there was no playbook on improving social determinants of health, which led him to join forces with other stakeholders to create HealthBegins in an effort to optimize clinical and community partnerships.For providers, it's easy to make referrals for patients with specific health conditions, but it's much harder to make referrals for patients who lack affordable housing, live in violent neighborhoods, or don't have consistent access to healthy food because the system is not currently set up to address these issues. That's where community partnerships come in. Dr. Manchanda charged the audience to build collaborations that are intentional about change management and focus on the three C's (care models, capacity, and culture). He emphasized that a true partnership transforms the people in it as they figure out how to work differently together.

There’s a movement afoot and the burden rests on our shoulders to re- relate what true health, not just health care, looks like. Congrats and let’s do work! @RishiManchanda reminds us moving upstream is not only necessary, it’s possible #AllInData4Health

— Meshie Knight (@meshieknight) September 12, 2018

"We can't address or support whole person care until we manage the 3's - care models, capacity, and culture" @RishiManchanda charges us to be intentional in change management through collaboration #AllInData4Health

— Healthy Old Brooklyn (@HealthOBCDC) September 12, 2018

Justice, opportunity, structural racism—these are words we need to use within our health aims to succeed in improving community health @RishiManchanda #WeBUILD2018 #AllInData4Health

— Emily Yu (@DCxchange) September 12, 2018

True partnership changes and transforms the people in the partnership, both in personal and professional settings. Paraphrase from @RishiManchanda #AllInData4Health

— Amy Laurent (@epilady) September 12, 2018

Overcoming Policy Paralysis: Perspectives from the Field

Lauren Block, National Governors Association; Dr. Darcy Phelan-Emrick, Baltimore City Health DepartmentEffectively sharing data requires a sound policy framework. Given the constraints at various levels, how are communities, states, and the federal government addressing policy challenges? What opportunities are there for alignment at these various levels? This panel included a broad discussion of what needs to happen in order to facilitate and accelerate data sharing as it relates to community health improvement.Lauren Block shared how the National Governer's Association is supporting state-level capacity for cross-sector data sharing through the Harnessing the Power of Data to Achieve State Policy Goals initiative and what participants are learning about governance, stakeholder engagement, and analytics. Dr. Darcy Phelan-Emrick provided a community-level perspective by sharing the Baltimore City Health Department's legal approach for creating a real-time system to share data for falls prevention and reflecting on her lessons learned as she embarked on the long and winding path towards data sharing policy solutions.

@NatlGovsAssoc Lauren Block letting us know what States are doing to @BUILD_Health, promote #sharingdata @DASH_connect, #innovateinpublichealth @PHinnovates and generally go #AllinData4Health like @NJHI_.

— Melissa Moorehead (@allintesting1) September 12, 2018

Innovation requires data and collaboration. @BMore_Healthy Chief Epi explaining how to make it happen! #AllInData4Health @JohnsHopkinsEPI

— michael fried (@mikegfried) September 12, 2018

Next Steps for Our Communities, All In, and the Field

After sifting through attendee responses to the opening plenary activity, All In leaders summarized key policy themes, barriers, and opportunities that rose to the top. Participants joined discussion groups to reflect on what they learned at the meeting and made commitments to use these new tools, connections, and strategies to galvanize their work upon returning to their communities.

Honored to present at the ALL IN National Conference and learn about so many innovative ways to share information and promote health equity with fellow #datageeks #AllInData4Health

— ecopearls (@ecopearls) September 12, 2018

Thrilled to be here talking & learning about data at the #AllinData4Health & @BUILD_Health conference mashup w/this sharp group of NJ communities, partners & friends @BobAtkins_ @TrentonHealth @Healthy_Newark @NBTomorrow @HealthierJC @NJHealthMatters @healthycamden

— Diane Hagerman (@dbhags52) September 12, 2018

Being "all in" certainly has a new meaning to us as we head back to Cleveland from an amazing All In National Meeting! This has been an phenomenal experience to reflect, grow, and connect with fellow health data experts. #AllInData4Health

— Healthy Old Brooklyn (@HealthOBCDC) September 12, 2018


Case Study: Harris County BUILD Health Partnership


Unlocking the Value of Data Sharing Series