Building a Shared Purpose for Stakeholder Engagement and Partner Buy-in Across Community

In this session, attendees will learn pointers for developing and refining a data sharing strategy that is grounded in a clear shared vision. Shaping a clear vision is about creating aims and purpose for your work, making the case, engaging partners, and articulating the value. Participants will discuss strategies on how to work with partners to collectively develop and refine the problem, vision and purpose statements; assess internal and partner capacity, data sources, and data uses; conduct a stakeholder analysis; identify shared value; create clear messaging to assist with buy-in; and lay the groundwork for robust community engagement. This session acknowledges the iterative nature of reconciling your organizational goals, your partners’ goals, and your available resources in order to support participants in navigating this process to lay a solid foundation for next steps in their data use strategy.


Opening Plenary: No Equity Without Data Equity with Dr. Ninez Ponce


Shifting Power to Community Through Data Sharing Efforts