Shifting Power to Community Through Data Sharing Efforts

The voice of impacted families is often missing from policy/system design and decision-making, which then fails to produce meaningful and sustainable change. This session will help participants frame a more holistic process for using data for racial equity based on the work of the FLOURISH initiative in St. Louis, who set a “north star” to achieve zero racial disparities in infant mortality. It will start by focusing on disaggregating population-level data to understand disparities, applying targeted universalism to identify how to best focus an approach, and engaging community members in the data collection and power-building process to define impactful interventions. Participants learn how to ensure your own organization’s data is connected to a larger strategy to impact systemic change and how using performance measures can help your organization become more accountable for making progress toward racial equity.


Building a Shared Purpose for Stakeholder Engagement and Partner Buy-in Across Community


Collaborating with Residents to Move from Data to Action