Collaborating with Residents to Move from Data to Action

Data, including lived experiences from community members most affected by structural inequities, can inform actions toward promoting a just and equitable quality of life. Cross-sector coalitions and nonprofit organizations have a role to play in providing data in accessible formats, facilitating accurate interpretation of the data, and supporting communities in moving data to action. In this workshop, you'll learn from two groups with deep experience and unique approaches to using data in partnership with local communities. Data You Can Use from Milwaukee will discuss how they use "data-chats" to build data literacy and translate health data to inform community decisions both before and during the pandemic. Para Los Niños in Los Angeles will share how they mobilize residents and local organizations to participate in "sense-making" of quality of life data and support them in connecting their experiences to policies and systems. These local leaders will guide you to creatively explore ways your organization could adapt their approaches to fit your own community context.


Shifting Power to Community Through Data Sharing Efforts


Data Quality Considerations: What’s COVID Got to Do with It?