Exploring the DASH Multi-Sector Data-Sharing Framework

Clare Tanner and Stephanie Johnson from Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) presented the DASH Framework which highlights the key domains of shared multi-sector data landscapes and is available to guide communities to leverage their data ecosystem for equitable systems change. Through awardee insights, the DASH national inventory survey (NI), the All In network, and thought partners, DASH has identified key factors which are important for sharing and using data across sectors and with community to support more equitable systems that create the conditions for health and well-being. In this latest version of the DASH framework, DASH dove deeper into how equity, as a process and outcome, intersects with data ecosystems and the data infrastructure that is built to unlock the power of data ecosystems toward social good.


Exploring the Intersection of Organizational and Human Impact of Data-Sharing


Erie County's Community-Based Survey